The Nebraska Writers Guild welcomes your interest in becoming a member. As a member, you will have access to many benefits, including networking and classes. Join our guild today and become a member of one of the oldest writers guilds in the country.
The Nebraska Writers Guild offers aspiring writers, award-winning authors, and everyone in between a network for improving their craft. Dedicated to excellence and success, members encourage and support each other in reaching goals. Under “Speaker’s Bureau” can be found members who have volunteered to participate in the outreach program for civic organizations and schools across the state that allows members to achieve name recognition and advance the prestige of the Guild.
We offer free monthly Zoom classes for our members that are on a wide range of subjects. The classes are recorded and made available to all members free of charge on the Teachable platform. If you join, you will gain access to all the previous classes given through Zoom.
Members of the NWG get discounted admission to our conferences, which are held twice a year. (April and October) At the eastern Nebraska spring conference and western Nebraska fall conference scheduled guest professionals and members provide insights about publishing and production. Speaker topics, workshops, and one-on-one exchanges are offered for all writing disciplines. The conferences focus on continuing education and interaction with publishers, editors, producers, and agents.
The Guild produces the BROADSIDE, a quarterly newsletter about Guild business and Board reports, upcoming member and state literary events in Nebraska and the surrounding region. The BROADSIDE is also available for public access on this website.
The BULLETIN is the annual catalog of Nebraska’s literary highlights and Guild member activities, as well as a membership directory. The June issue is sent only to current members. Past issues serve as one of the main historical records of the organization and are housed at the Nebraska State Historical Society in Lincoln.
The NWG has several levels of membership. Members reside in many states around the USA, and even a few members in other countries. You do not have to be living in Nebraska or be a published author to become a member. We invite you to join today.