Local Writers Groups

Nebraska Writers Groups

Are you looking for a local writers group to be a part of? The Nebraska Writers Guild is pleased to provide the list below of in person and virtual writers groups throughout Nebraska. Writers Groups are available for members and non-members.

Kindly find the regions and contact information for the location that works best for you, and happy writing!

Group of writers working together around a table

Find A Writers Group Near You

In Omaha

Omaha Writing Group:

  • This group meets at the Omaha Public Libraries Willa Cather Branch. If interested, contact Cynthia Ybarra at cdy1390@gmail.com or 310-456-4792.

Writers Write Omaha:

  • Meets the first Saturday of every month from 10:00 am to noon in the Milton R. Abrahams conference room of the Omaha Public Library, 5111 N 90th Street. Members email up to 15 pages two weeks prior to the next month’s meeting, when notes from fellow members are given. WWO is cross-genre and focuses on the business and networking aspects of writing, sharing ideas, and inviting experts to speak on the topic. If you are interested in joining, please contact Charles Davis @ charlese.davis@icloud.com.

Alternative Book Club:

  • They meet at Panera’s 13410 Maple Street in Omaha, NE every Sunday from 2pm to 4pm except holidays. CLOSED GROUP but thinking about starting another group if there is enough interest. In the last two years they have published four books. They write chapters, then share drafts for editing and review. Contact person: Keith Jones. Keith@alternativebookclub.com.

Nebraska Novelists:

  • They meet every Friday, from 7 pm to 9 pm, using Zoom. Bring 5—7 manuscript pages of your novel to read and be critiqued. Contact Cathy R at: ghr57@cox.net.

Fine Lines Critique Group:

  • Meet every third Thursday at Concierge Marketing, 4822 South 133rd. 6.30 pm to 8.30 bring copies of 6—8 pages to be read/ critiqued by members of the group This is a branch of the literary quarterly but not restricted in membership Essays, poetry, fiction and nonfiction are welcome. Contact Ellie B at: ellybiederman@gmail.com

Realm Makers:

  • A Christian Science Fiction/Fantasy group. This is their first year as a membership-led group.
  • To join the critique groups, you must become a member of Realm Makers, and RM can be found online here.
  • This group is strictly for Sci-Fi/Fantasy but also includes supernatural and horror genres as well, both for the Christian markets and for the ABA. Scott and Becky Minor are the founders of Realm Makers, and Jason Joyner is their critique group director. This group includes all ages in their genres– children, YA, and adult. All critique groups work differently according to their leader’s guidelines, but they are established through Slack (an online file sharing/messaging app, kind of like a virtual office). My group is now full and closed, but there are numerous groups Contact Dawn Ford dawnford001@gmail.com

Nebraska Writers Workshop:

  • Weekly meetings: Wednesday evenings at 6 pm, alternating between in-person and online meetings. Please consult the website for the schedule.
  • In-person meetings are held at Ralston’s Baright Public Library, 5555 South 77th Street, Ralston, NE
  • Online meetings are done via Zoom. You must be a member of our Facebook group to receive the meeting invitation.
  • NWW is a free, weekly meeting of writers helping writers. This group is open to creative writers of all levels, concentrating in the areas of fiction, poetry, and scripts. We encourage active participation, whether by reading excerpts of your works-in-progress, participating in peer-to-peer reviews, or teaching a lesson.
  • https://nebraskawritersworkshop.info/

Omaha Screenwriters:

  • Potential members must submit first 10 pages of a script to be considered Professional group every Sunday at Panera’s on Maple in Omaha at 1130

North Omaha Summer Arts Writing Group (NOSA):

  • occasionally meets outside of summer.
  • They do writing exercises and critique Wed evening 6pm to 8 pm at Trinity Lutheran contact Pamela Jo Berry 402.502.4669

Wordsowers Christian Writers (WCW)

  • Monthly meetings: The fourth Thursday each month
  • Place: Swanson Library, 90th and Dodge, Omaha
    Time: 6-8 p.m.
  • Presentations by different presenters/topics each month. (Check the website.)
  • Critique Groups meet monthly. Email for time and locations.

What’s Your Story:

  • The Healing Power of Words invites you to create and explore innovative meanings of health and sickness. This group meets on the first Saturday of every month, from 1000-1200, where we write our experiences into existence. We will be meeting via Zoom for the foreseeable future. General Information: This writing program is free and open to any interested person. Please contact Cynthia at cdy1390@gmail.com for more information.

Romance Authors of the Heartland

  • Website: https://romanceauthorsoftheheartland.com/
  • Four in-person meetings a year.
  • Dues are $35 a year which goes to their conference.

In the Lincoln - Seward Area

Writer’s Group:

  • Meets every Wednesday evening at 7:30 until about 9:30. We meet in the Parrish Projects, on the second floor of 1410 O Street, Lincoln, NE. The studio is called The Aliens.
  • It is a workshop where we copy what people bring, pass it out, and then give feedback, notes, edits, etc. It is also appreciated if people bring copies themselves. There tends to be around 10 people who show up but sometimes there are as many as 17. So bring as many copies as you would like.
  • Contact Kyle Brosnihan kylebrosnihan@gmail.com or 402.984.8454

Other Areas


  • Albion Area Writing Club 3rd Thursday—date, time and place on Facebook usually have an assignment, a lesson, discuss WIP and ask for critiques contact Twylla Crosby tccrowsnest@gmail.com


  • The WPL Writing Society meets every 1st and 3rd Tuesday of the month from 6-7pm at the library. Members must be 14 years or older. All genres and all levels, from novice to pro, are welcome. Contact Laura Rody cozad.wpl@gmail.com


  • Tuesday Grand Island Writers (CLOSED GROUP, by invitation only) meets second and fourth Tuesday of the month; meeting place varies; the second Tuesday, 3 writers present excerpts for critique, on the fourth Tuesday meeting, the group discusses writing, printing, and business essentials; contact Emmily Woodward, EmmilyLWood@gmail.com


  • Hastings Writers Forum: They meet the second Saturday of every month, 1pm at the Hastings Public Library.


  • This group meets at the Kearney Public Library and online the 1st and 3rd Wednesday of each month. If interested, contact Mari Beck at maribeckauthor@gmail.com or 308-380-1656.


  • Inland Se Writers (has Facebook group) meets on the first and third Wednesdays at Hinze Chiropractic in McCook


  • Small, open unnamed group in Neligh contact Tammy Marshall tamreader@gmail.com 3rd Wed of the month, 6 pm at the library, bring whatever and copies to share with the members


  • If you live in the North Platte area and would like to find a writer’s group please contact Susan Shepard at susanshepardwrites@gmail.com, or (509)701-6743.


Zoom Writers Group:

  • If interested, contact Cathy Richmond at gh57@cox.net.

Muse Maintenance Writing Group:

  • A weekly virtual gathering of poets of all levels to inspire and motivate each other toward your
    personal writing goal. Think of this as your weekly jolt of confidence for hitting your writing
    goals mixed in with a little fun. Free and open to all Nebraska Poetry Society members.
  • Reserve your spot here: https://www.nepoetrysociety.org/events

Poetry Feedback Forum:

  • ​Monthly virtual opportunity to gain valuable feedback on your poems. We provide insights for
    the poet to feel inspired and equipped with ideas to strengthen their work and not just a list of
    edits to make. Free and open to all Nebraska Poetry Society members.
  • Reserve your spot here:

Nebraska Writers Guild Beta Reading Facebook Group:

  • This is a Facebook group for members of the NWG where they can connect, trade manuscripts, and form critique groups. Become a member to join.